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Refunds and Cancellations Policy



Cancellation before shipment

If the order or the item(s) that you want to cancel have not been shipped yet, you can write to our customer support team on

In such cases, the order will be cancelled and the money will be refunded to you within 7-14 business days after the cancellation request.

Cancellation post shipment

If you wish to cancel an order that has been shipped but has not yet been delivered, please get in touch with our Customer Support team on

In case you have cancelled an order, which has already been handed over to the courier company on our end, they may still attempt delivery. Kindly do not accept the delivery of the order.

Once we receive the product(s) back and verify its packaging/condition, we will refund your money within 7-14 business days.

How will I get refunded for the cancelled orders and how long will this process take?

In case of cancellation before shipment, we process the refund within 7-14 business days after receiving the cancellation request.

In case of cancellation once the shipment has already been dispatched or if it is being returned, we process the refund once the products have been received and verified at our warehouse.

For payments done through credit/debit cards or net banking, the refund will be processed to the same account from which the payment was made within 7-14 business days of us receiving the products back. It may take 2-3 additional business days for the amount to reflect in your account.

For cash on delivery transactions, we will initiate a bank transfer against the refund amount against the billing details shared by you. This process will be completed within 7-14 business days of us receiving the products back and your bank details on email. It will take an additional 2-3 business days for the amount to reflect in your account.

Discount vouchers are intended for one-time use only and shall be treated as used even if you cancel the order.

If you had redeemed loyalty points for an order, the same will be credited back to your account in the case of a cancellation.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.